Did you read my previous article about Peking duck? So what do you think about duck cuisine? :). Duck meat was really tough to eat and rancid if we did not know how to cook it. There are two methods for cooking duck meat to become tender. Using kaffir lime leaves and cooks in the pressure cooker. You can use both of that method.
In Indonesia, there are a lot of food stall which served duck cuisine. If Peking duck have special recipes, duck cuisine in Indonesia have a lot of recipes were depending on regional area in Indonesia. You’ll find duck cuisine cooked with Solo culinary, Surabaya culinary or other recipes and cooking method, with several characteristic of spices and condiment.So… let’s peek two restaurants which served duck cuisine in Indonesia. Two restaurants were Ayam Tulang Lunak ‘Hayam Wuruk’ (ATL) and Ayam Presto Ny. Nita (Ny. Nita). Both of these food stall used pressure cooker to cooked, so even the bone so tender, you could ate the bone if you liked :).
There were two menus of duck cuisine in both of these restaurants, Fried Duck, and Fried duck with refined chips, called kremes. Refined chips made from rice flour and condiment which frying and crispy.
Kremes fried duck in ATL served ¼ parts, not too big; the color brown…seems yellow. The side dish was sambal (chili condiment) with red flamed and slices cucumber added. When the meat ripped, meat was felt tender and easily released from the bone. The taste was so crispy, tasty, so soft in the mouth, onion and ginger aroma was strong so it didn’t smell rancid of the meat. The sambal was bitted hot and a little sweet. The crispy was taste so matching with the hot tasty of sambal.
A size of chopped fried duck meat in Ny. Nita more bigly, the meat and kremes color were browner too. As a side dish, there is fried sambal, red-black colored, with overflowed red oil on the border, seduce our appetite. The flesh easily to release from its bone too, but the meat was harder than at ATL. Taste of red-black sambal was surprising! The sour taste was so strong, after a moment in the mouth, the very hot taste come out and bitted your mouth! ;). So crispy…so yummy!!!! :).
Adapted from article which written by Ely/Odi, source
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