

Do you know Soto? Soto is Indonesia’s specific clear soup which usually combines with rice. In almost city in Indonesia, stall soto could find and become specific food at those cities, example: Soto lamongan (lamongan soup) is a specific soup from Lamongan city, Soto madura is a specific soup from Madura.
And from Kudus, Central Java, a specific soto known as Soto kebo or buffalo soup (Kebo is Javanese language for Kerbau in Bahasa Indonesia, which mean buffalo [water buffalo]). In Kudus, soto uses buffalo meat whether than cow meat or chicken which usually used in specific soto in other city.

The famous food stall which serves this food is Karso Karsi food stall. Karso Karsi’s buffalo soup does not use santan (milk squeezed from coconut). As a change, he use spice, walnut called kemiri. The rice which used is from excellent variety, called rajalele. The soup cooked on wooden fire so that the soup which produce really have excellent quality, meat become soft, and all of the spices infiltrate perfectly.

In fact, buffalo meat harder than cow meat, but in the hand of Chef Karso Karsi, buffalo which rather than red colored and elastically, become soft like cow meat and delicious. To improve the taste, you can put your soto with slice of cabbage and fried red onion.

A price of a bowl of soto is 4000 rupiahs or approximately USD 0, 4. Karso Karsi stall can find at R. Agil Kusumadya Street, Kudus.

Source: KOMPAS, written by Suprapto, edited and translate by reog.


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