

Almost of Indonesia traditional food culinary use garlic for their component, use for spices and aroma food. Although garlic known well in Indonesia, this plants are not original plants from Indonesia. This plant comes from Middle Asia, Japan and China. From those two countries, garlic spread to the world. The name of garlic different by each country, in German is knoflook, in China is suan, in Korea is pil, in Japan is ninniku, in Italia is aglio, in Arab is thoam, and in Spain is ajo.Garlic contains a lot of nutrient. This plant has function as protect our body against disease, such as cancer. The other advantage, garlic can increase power to remember, body immune, and protect us against early old process.
Garlic can also reduce cholesterol. According to Bordia research which publicized in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition at 1981, said that garlic can reduce cholesterol in 14% and increase HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) 40% in 6 months.


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