

In Danau Toba Street, Bendungan Hilir, Jakarta, you could find noodle mie made by Mr. Sarodja. This food stall exist since 1970. Formerly, this food stall sell a meatball soup, and growth with other menu, that is noodle soup.
The taste which offer is very delicious. The blended is complete; white noodle, yellow noodle, fresh tomato slices, fresh cabbage, several risol slices, beef slices, and...original food from Indonesia, there is emping. Emping is fried chips made of Gnetum gnemon fruit.
This food stall do not serve kikil (leg part of cow which eaten), but serve big size cow flesh cutting. The flesh took from thigh part and rib part of cow meat.
The cow flesh become a secret of the delicious of this noodle soup. The secret is, cow flesh must be fresh, cold flesh from the refrigerator make the taste broken.
The gravy also special, feel fresh and deliciously. Fluid lime which added also fit, so we do not have add fluid lime anymore, but if you like more sour taste, you could ask fluid nubbled lime to be add. The secret of the gravy is from cow ribs. Cow ribs make the gravy more freshly and tasty.One portion of noodle soup only Rp 14,000 or about USD 1,6-2.

Original article written by Angelina Maria Donna.Adapted and translated by reog. Source: KOMPAS


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